
What’s In My Bag? with Joseph Walsh, Madison Keesler, and Bianca Teixeira

What’s In My Bag? with Joseph Walsh, Madison Keesler, and Bianca Teixeira

Discover What SF Ballet Dancers Carry In Their Work Bags

“Usually when I’m on stage, I probably have some form of a vitamin, or magnesium, or B-12, or whatever that keeps me going,” says Principal Dancer Joseph Walsh. “Right now, what’s keeping me going after I do these workouts? These natural Oreos.”

William Forsythe offered Walsh this advice (glucose, glucose, glucose!) while rehearsing the Company in Pas/Parts 2016—and for Walsh, the advice stuck. In this edition of What’s In My Bag?, Walsh, Madison Keesler, and Bianca Teixeira all share what’s in their dance bags, COVID-19 edition.

Header Image: A thumbnail from “What’s In My Bag.”